In the coming times, content from social media such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn will gain more importance on the SERPs. Already, 76% marketers use Social Media to support and boost SEO, cites an article published at Impactbnd.com. In 2017, marketers will do everything possible to make their Facebook posts or tweets rank higher on the SERPs.

Isn’t that amazing?! We predict that more social media content will be indexed on Google and other popular search engines such as Bing and Yahoo. This will in turn blur the lines between ‘web’ and ‘social media’ in terms of SEO strategies. So, be prepared to find, collect and use your valuable social content for optimizing your page for maximum visibility.  For brand names, social media profiles are amongst the top results in search listings

For instance, if you search “Designhill” on Google, the company’s Facebook page, Twitter profile and the LinkedIn page appear as the top listings. See for yourself!


Blog.kissmetrics.com states that links to content on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube and other social networks help the search engine crawlers understand what websites are credible and should be ranked for what keyword phrases.

Mobile Optimization Will Become Crucial

Is your business website mobile-friendly? Your audience is no longer in one place. People use all sorts of devices such as tablets, smartphones, laptops, phone watches to browse web. Keeping this in mind, plenty of brands went mobile-friendly in 2016. And we anticipate that more brands will take up this trend in the upcoming year. Mobile optimization will become the norm, rather than exception. So, it’s high time you changed the way you conceptualize and create SEO strategies for mobile searches.

Voice Search Function a Must

These days, people who are on the go use voice search simply because it is more convenient and safer, especially when someone is driving or multi-tasking. It is becoming a huge part of mobile usage as it has taken away the pain of typing keywords to run a search query. Almost all mobile devices have a voice search functions. The popularity of voice searches has been spurred by Microsoft, Google, and Apple launching their own versions of advanced voice-responsive assistants – Cortana, Google Now and Siri.

Content Aggregation will get Bigger & Better

According to Digitalcurrent.com, Knowledge Graph, wiki, local, maps, social media, news, images and videos make for 85% of Google search results. These stats indicates that now people look for sources that provide all relevant information for a particular subject or topic that at one place.

Local SEO to Become Even More Important

This trend is only going stronger over the years. According to Entrepreneur.com, local SEO is likely to gain solid grounds in the coming days. As a marketer, you have to let Google know where you are located and what you are offering so that your chances of showing up on pages, especially in front of the relevant audience, increase. It is must to have your local pages which will include the name of your business, address etc. with Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Since Google came out with its “Pigeon” update, local SEO has gained significant prominence forcing businesses and marketers to focus on a local tangent.  So, ensure of having location specific keywords and personalize content basis your target audiences’ location to stay ahead in the game in 2016. Check out some stats to know the benefits of ranking in local search results.

Your listing in the local pages can increase consumer engagement with your business and your ranking. For instance, check out this example of three hospitals. The one that has the highest number of reviews ranks the highest. (Image source: Search Engine Journal)



Internet marketing is not just a fad that you can ignore. It is the newest and best way to reach out to prospective customers and draw them toward your business. You already know that millions of people are using the internet each day to search for your products and services. Thousands of these people are in your region and are looking for local businesses. Your prospective customers are online and are searching for you. You want to make it easy for them to find you. That is what online marketing is all about.

Your competition is also out there seeking the business of these prospective customers. If they are not already using online marketing strategies to attract these customers, it will not be long before they do. You want to make sure that you have an effective online marketing strategy in place so that you can have the competitive edge in search engine results and social media platforms.

Your customers are online talking about your business on review sites. You want to be an active part of this conversation by participating directly through a blog and on review sites. You can encourage happy customers to leave positive reviews and address unhappy customers directly. With online marketing, you engage your customers and prospects in an ongoing conversation. This creates a relationship of trust, and people make purchases from businesses that they trust.

Digital marketing is a powerful new tool that you can use to reach out to your customers and prospects. Because of the ability to interact directly and converse with potential customers, this tool can be far more effective than traditional marketing techniques.

Mastering online marketing is not easy. You need the help of a professional expert to come up with a winning strategy. Without a strategy, playing around with a blog, Facebook or Twitter will be useless. With the right strategy, these tools can bring new customers in and create loyal followers from present customers. Contact us for more information about developing the right digital marketing strategy for your business.

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Geofencing Work for Your Small Business:

Geofencing is the use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite network and/or local radio-frequency identifiers (such as Wi-Fi nodes or Bluetooth beacons) to create virtual boundaries around a location. The geofence is then paired with a hardware/software application that responds to the boundary in some fashion as dictated by the parameters of the program.

Push notifications are one of the best available app features with the most potential for return on investment—and geofencing takes push notifications even further. When one of your app users enters or exits a geofenced area, a targeted push notification is sent directly to their device. This timely, relevant mobile messaging is great for customer engagement. Users hear about offers or announcements when they’re in the area and able to act on them.



  • Now the geo-fencing market is expected to reach $300 million by 2017 and expand beyond the confines of traditional location-based applications.

  • The opportunity to reach an existing or even a potential customer within a short distance of your service or product location gives an entirely new meaning to ‘target market.’

  • Contact think@martizen.com for more updates