January 2018

Internet marketing is not just a fad that you can ignore. It is the newest and best way to reach out to prospective customers and draw them toward your business. You already know that millions of people are using the internet each day to search for your products and services. Thousands of these people are in your region and are looking for local businesses. Your prospective customers are online and are searching for you. You want to make it easy for them to find you. That is what online marketing is all about.

Your competition is also out there seeking the business of these prospective customers. If they are not already using online marketing strategies to attract these customers, it will not be long before they do. You want to make sure that you have an effective online marketing strategy in place so that you can have the competitive edge in search engine results and social media platforms.

Your customers are online talking about your business on review sites. You want to be an active part of this conversation by participating directly through a blog and on review sites. You can encourage happy customers to leave positive reviews and address unhappy customers directly. With online marketing, you engage your customers and prospects in an ongoing conversation. This creates a relationship of trust, and people make purchases from businesses that they trust.

Digital marketing is a powerful new tool that you can use to reach out to your customers and prospects. Because of the ability to interact directly and converse with potential customers, this tool can be far more effective than traditional marketing techniques.

Mastering online marketing is not easy. You need the help of a professional expert to come up with a winning strategy. Without a strategy, playing around with a blog, Facebook or Twitter will be useless. With the right strategy, these tools can bring new customers in and create loyal followers from present customers. Contact us for more information about developing the right digital marketing strategy for your business.

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Geofencing Work for Your Small Business:

Geofencing is the use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite network and/or local radio-frequency identifiers (such as Wi-Fi nodes or Bluetooth beacons) to create virtual boundaries around a location. The geofence is then paired with a hardware/software application that responds to the boundary in some fashion as dictated by the parameters of the program.

Push notifications are one of the best available app features with the most potential for return on investment—and geofencing takes push notifications even further. When one of your app users enters or exits a geofenced area, a targeted push notification is sent directly to their device. This timely, relevant mobile messaging is great for customer engagement. Users hear about offers or announcements when they’re in the area and able to act on them.



  • Now the geo-fencing market is expected to reach $300 million by 2017 and expand beyond the confines of traditional location-based applications.

  • The opportunity to reach an existing or even a potential customer within a short distance of your service or product location gives an entirely new meaning to ‘target market.’

  • Contact think@martizen.com for more updates